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Home Metropolitan Fine Art Gallery of Tokyo i

Metropolitan Fine Art Gallery of Tokyo i

Metropolitan Fine Art Gallery of Tokyo is a good choice if you've got a free afternoon. It's in Ueno and is free to get in. It's open every day except Mon from 9-5. Here's what Tokyo Essentials have to say about it.
There's not a space to spare at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum. From oil paintings to calligraphy, pottery and sculpture, this is the place where contemporary Japanese artists show off their work. In total there are six galleries. The "Museum Gallery" is reserved for special exhibitions. The other five are hired out to various art groups. Exhibitions change periodically, so for latest details, check the listings magazine, Tokyo Metropolis: If the artwork inside the museum requires a lot of interpretation, rest assured, it probably doesn't require half as much as buying your ticket! Minimalism has clearly been the big inspiration behind the presentation of information and signposts in English. Unless you've come with a specific exhibition in mind, great powers of guesswork will be called for. Don't worry though, whatever you choose you'll get a good overview, each gallery is usually crammed from floor to ceiling with a wide variety of work. Each of the six galleries has a separate admission charge. Having guessed which gallery to go to, confusion is liable to strike. Trying to work out which ticket office to buy your ticket from, can be quite a task. However, keep your wits about you, pay special attention to the numbers written on the ticket booths and it will all become embarrassingly obvious! For example, to buy a ticket for Gallery 1, you need to go to ticket office number 1. Couldn't be more straight forward could it? But make sure you get this right. If you don't, the staff behind the counter are prone to becoming even more confused than you! Don't forget to go upstairs! Once inside the gallery the exhibits are likely to be displayed on at least two floors. Signposting in English is again more or less non -existent, so advice remains - keep going up, until you can go no further.
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